Specific assessments

Specific assessments

Specific assessments

Specific assessments - which are not audit opinions - may complement the Statement of Assurance.
Compliance audit
Ref: 48.410



In addition to the opinion on legality and regularity included in the Statement of Assurance, ECA's auditors may provide in the accompanying report further more detailed explanations. According to Article 287 TFEU the Statement of assurance may be supplemented by specific assessments for each major area of the Union activity. The purpose of this is to provide the
discharge authority
, the audited entity, and/or other bodies as appropriate, with a detailed explanation beyond that given in the Statement of Assurance. Such additional explanations may be appropriate when the opinion is modified as a consequence of material non-compliance. The auditor should report such compliance issues in sufficient detail to enable the
discharge authority
or relevant committee to understand these matters properly.



Specific assessments - which are not opinions - may complement the Statement of Assurance and describe the audit results of an entity’s individual budgetary, activity or policy areas, including conclusion(s) for that area. The focus should be on an assessment of the legality and regularity of underlying transactions and systems aspects. In the case of the legality and regularity of transactions underlying the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union, there is a specific assessment for most MFF headings, comprising:
  • a description of the audit scope and characteristics of the audited area;
  • an assessment of the legality and regularity of underlying transactions in the area, including significant findings and observations;
  • an assessment of the effectiveness of internal control systems in the area, supported by a discussion thereon;
  • conclusions and recommendations;
Chamber V provides detailed instructions on the content and presentation of the specific assessments complementing the Statement of Assurance concerning consolidated annual accounts of the European Union. In the case of the agencies, offices and other bodies, the information in support of the Statement of Assurance may also include significant observations and recommendations for the auditee.
Last Modified: 14/03/2022 16:26   Tags: