Report style

Report style

Report style

We write reports for the attention of an interested but non-expert reader. Our reports should be drafted in an accessible, understandable, persuasive, clear and consistent style. These principles partially apply also for drafting of clearing letters.
Ref: 18.120


We write reports for the attention of an interested but non-expert reader who is not necessarily familiar with the detailed EU or audit context. This requires ECA reports to be interesting, easy to read and provide a positive image of the ECA's work. Our reports are not popular journalism and we do not use sensationalism to attract attention. Nor should we write reports, which include overly detailed explanations of basic facts or can only be understood by policy experts. The language used needs to be professional. A well drafted report helps to ensure that the findings are taken seriously, whereas a poorly presented report will distract the reader, and may prompt questions about the quality of the findings. The instructions below partially apply also for drafting of . Clearing documents should use plain language, write short sentences, address only one issue in a paragraph, limit abbreviations and complicated words, and prefer the active voice to the passive. As clearing documents are destined for experts, they may use more technical language, but they should limit the use of EU jargon.


Our reports are more likely to be easy to read and provide positive image of our work, if they are drafted in an accessible style, help the reader to see how arguments fit together, are persuasive, clear and consistent.

Accessible style

A common tendency in writing at the ECA (and many other bureaucracies) is the use of a style that is very impersonal. Such a style tends to put distance between the text and its readers, rather than engaging them so that they want to read on. Whilst the technical nature of our reports is inevitable, it is more likely that the casual reader will be encouraged to read further if the reports are accessible. This is more likely the case, if the text is kept short and simple. The advantages of brevity are obvious. Simple language is the best way to get your message across. People are more likely to read and understand what you have written if documents, sentences and words are shorter rather than longer. Voltaire: "The best way to be boring is to leave nothing out." Therefore:
  • Avoid long paragraphs, they are intimidating. Split long paragraphs up.
  • Write in short sentences where possible. Do not write long complicated sentences, with many clauses and sub-clauses. They are difficult to read, understand and translate. Often they are not necessary. When reviewing what you have written, do not be afraid to split sentences up. As a rule, aim for an average of no more than 20 words per sentence. Some sentences will naturally be longer, but they should be balanced by shorter ones.
  • Keep to one main idea per sentence.
  • Never use a long word where a short will do. It is sometimes tempting to use longer or 'more sophisticated' words in the mistaken belief that this will add elegance to what one is writing. Instead, the longer words often hide the true meaning; for instance compare vertically-challenged for short; enhanced interrogation techniques for torture; collateral damage for civilian deaths; exsanguinate for bleed to death; rodent operative for rat-catcher.
Examples of alternative, shorter words
  • Use fewer words. Some writers seem to avoid expressing things simply, and like to add unnecessary words to sentences – almost as a comfort blanket. These extra words only get in the way of understanding and interest. Some words are simply redundant such as those underlined: Return back; my personal opinion; combine together; advance planning; end result; final outcome; desirable benefits; large in size; future projection.
  • Limit the use of jargon and abbreviations. Our reports might potentially contain many different types of jargon, or technical language, such as terms from accounting (commitments), economics (deadweight), and the world of the EU institutions (comitology). In addition, the subject matter audited generally has its own range of jargon, with which we as auditors soon become comfortable. Unfamiliar technical terms in reports can be very off-putting for those not familiar with them. We should therefore minimise the use of jargon in reports, or at least make sure that it is fully explained in the text or in a glossary. When avoiding jargon, the text has to remain sufficiently precise to be understood and acted upon at the working level. Jargon can be avoided by using a simpler alternative. For example, we can write EU law rather than acquis communautaire. However, it is often the case that it is difficult to avoid using jargon perhaps because it would take many words to explain what can be neatly encapsulated in one. In these circumstances, the first time you use the jargon, you can help the reader by explaining what it is you mean: "comitology" – the procedure under which the Commission consults committees or experts when applying legislation. Thereafter, you can use the word comitology, without quotation marks. Abbreviations are also a form of jargon and can be equally off-putting for the non-expert reader. In particular, avoid using an abbreviation if the term in question only occurs once or twice; use the full form instead. Do not abbreviate member state(s) to MS.
  • Avoid "nominalising" verbs. Turning verbs into nouns ('nominalising') tends to reduce the clarity and impact of the text, as verbs have more energy than nouns.
Examples of how to avoid nominalising verbs
  • Use 'we', 'us' and 'our' instead of 'the ECA/Court('s)'. This convention is designed to provide a more direct connection with the 'interested but non-expert reader'. It applies to the English language version of documents, as this is the most common drafting language. However, its use may not be appropriate in other languages, which naturally have their own tone and register. It is for the translators to decide on the most appropriate approach to take in each case.

Help understanding the flow

Clear structure and good signposting through headings will make it easier for the reader to understand the flow of a report's argument. Report-writers can provide further help to the reader by using:
  • Indents or bullet points to present lists of items instead of continuous text. Not only do they add variety to the text but, by grouping items so clearly, they help the reader understand the logic of the argument. In fact, as a writer, the habit of looking to group items can help you to see patterns in your findings and can therefore assist in structuring text. Indents can be over-used; reports should not end up looking like shopping lists. When using them, do not have more than about six items in your list, and make sure that you punctuate them consistently. Numbering (i) (ii) etc. or lettering (a), (b) etc. is preferable to bullet points, to make referencing easier.
  • Conjunctions at or near the start of sentences, providing they are used correctly, help the reader identify the train of thought such as however, in contrast, although, in addition, nevertheless, similarly. It is also acceptable occasionally to start sentences with and or but.
  • proper use of punctuation can help understanding the sentence structure and thus avoid misunderstanding.


The reader expects the ECA reports to present our conclusions as definitively as possible and supported by evidence. Assertions must be affirmative, and not raise questions, supposition or uncertainty. Phrases such as 'it may be', 'may have', 'it appears that', 'it seems that' avoid providing definitive statements. They should not be used, unless completed by an explanation of why the ECA cannot arrive at a definitive conclusion. Such sentences undermine in readers' eyes the ECA's ability to some to robust and well supported conclusions, because the reader may wonder why it is that, having devoted considerable time and resources to an audit, we are unable to come to a definitive conclusion. However, there may be occasions when we have completed all the audit work that we could reasonably have done, but the evidence remains incomplete. In these circumstances, if we choose to make a judgement, we should be open and explicit in doing so: "on the basis of the limited evidence available, the ECA judged that it was likely that x was the case." When an assertion represents the ECA's opinion, this must be disclosed, together with the basis for that opinion. When the assertion comes from another source, such as an evaluation report, then this needs to be explicitly recognised. Formulations such as 'It could be argued that'; 'some have said'; 'according to some critics'; 'it is said' prompt the reader to ask: who is making these allegations? Do the allegations have any validity? What does the ECA think? Therefore, the report-writers should avoid such formulations and disclose its source.


The style must be clear. The meaning needs to be immediately apparent from the text, and not require the reader to interpret what is being said. Clear structure, good signposting, accessible style and appropriate presentation of numbers and use of monetary symbols will all contribute to a clear report. Clarity can as well be improved by:
  • Preferring the active to the passive. The use of active verbs and real subjects helps to avoid ambiguity as regards who is doing what. Often this is a crucial piece of information, particularly important for the subjects the ECA writes about, where there may be a number of parties involved such as the Commission, the member state, national and regional agencies, beneficiaries. If the identity of the agent is not clear, readers of the report not familiar with the mechanics of the European Union budget may not understand which organisation is under the spotlight. However, there are infrequent occasions when using the passive might be preferable, for instance when the receiver of the action is more interesting or important than the agent: 'One of the most controversial members of the European Parliament has been interviewed by press'. Furthermore, the passive takes energy away from what is said. All other things being equal, using the active voice tends to have more impact than the passive. Martin Luther King did not say: "a dream was had by me". Aim for a proportion of no more than 20 per cent of passive sentences (see readability statistics).
  • Avoiding misused ECA terminology.


A report written in different styles in terms of approach and expression is difficult to read. It is recommended that one person be designated as responsible for ensuring consistent text throughout the report, even if different individuals are involved in drafting different parts of the report. Style and typographic conventions aim to maintain a consistent style across the ECA's publications:
  • Reports and opinions should follow the publication rules set in the ECA publication quick guide and where relevant the interinstitutional style guide. Ensuring the compliance is usually the task of assistants. Report-writers or assistants can use dedicated style checklists to verify that the rules were followed.
  • Use 'the ECA' (with the article) instead of 'the Court'. The use of the term 'the Court' as a short form of our name in our published documents risks causing confusion, particularly with readers less familiar with our institution or EU context. As such, 'the ECA' should be used in all externally-focused texts and documents, after first defining the acronym with the first full use of the name in the text. This approach helps reinforce our identity, reflects the already wide use of the acronym and provides consistency with our website address and email suffixes.
  • Use consistent and accurate terminology. For example, when referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, terms like Coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak, pandemic have their established meaning. Coronavirus is the family of viruses, of which the latest strain ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2) forms part, and causes the disease COVID-19 (a contraction of ‘coronavirus disease 2019’). The term ‘outbreak’ should be used to refer to the start of the pandemic (e.g. ‘since the outbreak of COVID-19, x and y has occurred’), or ‘pandemic’ to refer to its continuing state (e.g. ‘the COVID-19 pandemic is causing severe pressure on public services’). The term ‘pandemic’ can be used alone for subsequent references, after it is introduced as ‘COVID-19 pandemic’ at the beginning of a paragraph or short section. (NB: The preferred spelling of the name of the disease is COVID-19 with all letters capitalised.)



Report-writers can use the following tools to check their style:
can analyse your document for key statistics such as sentence or word length, proportion of sentences in the passive voice. It can be accessed through Tools under Eurolook menu.

Styleguides and checklist

provides hints on clear writing.
presents some detailed practical tips to help EU staff avoid common pitfalls and draft more clearly. It expands upon the guide How to write clearly.
lists words that do not exist or are relatively unknown to native English speakers outside the EU institutions and often even to standard spellcheckers/grammar checkers and words that are used with a meaning, often derived from other languages, that is not usually found in English dictionaries.
is used as an additional reference in the ECA publication guidelines
Last Modified: 23/03/2023 14:41   Tags: